- Reifeprüfung and Diploma examination, such as the one offered by an Upper Level Secondary Technical and Vocational School
- Upon completion of vocational training
- For Add-on Courses with a focus on engineering: The title of Engineer can be obtained after 3 years' experience in the profession
Preparatory courses are aimed at people who have completed an apprenticeship in order to gain entry into an Add-on Course or an Upper Level Institution for Adults. The Add-on Courses will prepare people who have successfully completed the Secondary Technical and Vocational School, Medium Level (BMS) and/or a preparatory course for the Higher Education Entrance Examination and Diploma examination for the relevant Upper Level Secondary Technical and Vocational Schools.
The duration of Add-on Courses is six semesters. In some cases, additional qualifications (such as the School for Master Craftsmen, Foremen and Construction Trades) are required.
The next step:
The following opportunities are examples of those available to individuals who successfully complete Add-on Courses:
- Immediate employment in a specialist area
- Undertaking a course of study at a University, University of Applied Sciences, University of Teacher Education or another type of higher education institution (General Higher Educational Entrance Qualification)
- Taking an Apprenticeship Examination (successful completion of the Upper Level Secondary Technical and Vocational School will replace the time spent training for related professions, or will enable that time to be reduced).
- Undertaking a Post-secondary VET Course in a different specialist area
- After practising a relevant profession: self-employment in a regulated profession (if necessary, after completing a qualifying examination)
- Self-employment in an unregulated trade
Sources (in German)
AMS Ausbildungskompass
abc Technical and Vocational Schools - VET Schools for Adults