- A high-level vocational training course, lasting 4 semesters
- Also available to adults
- Training available in a variety of specialist areas
Post-secondary VET Courses provide a high-level vocational training programme lasting four semesters (two to three years for working professionals) that corresponds to Colleges for Higher Vocational Education (Berufsbildende höhere Schulen) or Colleges for Early Childhood Pedagogy and Colleges for Social Pedagogy and conclude with a diploma examination. The graduates attain the professional qualifications of the corresponding BHS.
Training programmes are available in: Structural engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering, electronics and technical computer science, electrical engineering, building services, computer science and IT, information technology, interior design and wood technology, primary school education, art and design, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, media technology and media management, fashion/textiles, optometry, social work, industrial engineering, business computer science/ digital business, tourism, environment, economic professions, Post-secondary VET courses at commercial academies, each with a training focus (e. g. Entrepreneurship and Management, Financial and Risk Management, International Economy, Communications Management and Marketing).
The next step:
The following opportunities are examples of those available to young people who successfully complete a Post-secondary VET Course:
- Immediate employment in a specialist area
- Undertaking a course of study at a University, University of Applied Sciences, University of Teacher Education or another type of higher education institution
- Apprenticeship Examination (successful completion of the Upper Level Secondary Technical and Vocational School or Post-secondary VET course will replace the time spent training for related professions, or will enable that time to be reduced)
- After practising a relevant profession: self-employment in a regulated profession (if necessary, after completing a qualifying examination)
- Self-employment in an unregulated trade
Sources (in German)
abc Technical and Vocational Schools – Post-secondary VET courses
Further information can be found on the internet (in German)
AMS Ausbildungskompass – Post-secondary VET courses