
Institutions and counselors in the field of guidance

Guidance for students and parents

Career guidance in Austrian schools is organised according to a three-level model: career education lessons are provided by careers teachers; individual advice is provided by student advisors; and both of these are supplemented by a School Psychology Service that can offer specialized assistance. These are supplemented by classroom teachers and a wide range of other individuals and agencies outside the school.

Career Guidance in Higher Education

  • The six Psychological Counseling Services ( support (prospective) students with the choice and start of their academic studies, coach them in their personal development and provide advice regarding academic and personal concerns.
  • Career Service Centres in Austrian universities provide guidance as to choice of profession and serve as recruiting service providers for young students and graduates.

Guidance provided by the Public Employment Service

The Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) is Austria’s leading provider of labour-market related services. Commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection, the AMS assumes its role as an enterprise under public law in close cooperation with labour and employers’ organisations.
The Public Employment Service is structured into 1 federal, 9 regional and 99 local organisations. Regional branch offices offer  self-service „Info Zones“ (career information centres (BIZ), „Service Zone“ (placement, claims and benefits) and “Counselling Zone” (for intensive guidance  and assistance).  (

Guidance at Adult Education Level