- Lasts 1 to 4 years
- Depending on the duration of training of (partially) completed vocational training
- Further training courses (three years) up to the Higher Education Entrance Examination and Diploma examination, after completing a programme lasting at least three years at a School for Intermediate Vocational Education (BMS)
- Successful completion of the Compulsory Secondary School, or the Academic Secondary School, Lower Level is required.
School for Intermediate Vocational Education (BMS) generally lasts from one to four years. Attending a BMS for one or two years will provide a partial vocational training, whilst attending for three or four years, including a final examination, will provide a completed programme of vocational training. Young people completing this type of education will be subject to the relevant entitlements laid down in the Trade and Industry Code (Gewerbeordnung).
After completing a period of at least three years at the School for Intermediate Vocational Education (BMS), young people will take additional courses (for three years), leading to the Reifeprüfung and diploma examination. Young people completing the four-year School for Intermediate Vocational Education (BMS) are able to attend special forms of trade-relevant Post-secondary VET Courses.
In order to attend special forms of education of that type, it is necessary to have successfully completed the 4th year/8th year of education at a Compulsory Secondary School or Academic Secondary School (with the exception of Latin, Geometrical Drawing and compulsory subjects for one's area of focus - Schwerpunktpflichtgegenstände).
The main types of Schools for Intermediate Vocational Education (BMS):
- Secondary Technical, Commercial and Crafts School (Technische, gewerbliche und kunstgewerbliche Fachschule) (three or four years)
- Secondary Business School (Handelsschule) (three years)
- Vocational School for Economic Professions (Fachschule für wirtschaftliche Berufe) (three years).
- Vocational School for Fashion (Fachschule für Mode) (three years)
- Vocational School for the Hotel and Restaurant Industry (Hotelfachschule, Gastgewerbefachschule), Vocational School for Tourism (Tourismusfachschule) (three years)
- Vocational School for Social Professions (Fachschule für Sozialberufe) (three years)
- Federal Sports Academy (Bundessportakademie) (three years)
- Vocational School for Social Care Professions (Schulen für Sozialbetreuungsberufe) (two to four years) (admission from the age of 16 or 17 years)
- Vocational School for Healthcare and Nursing (Schule für Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege) (three years) (admission from the age of 16 or 17 years)
- Vocational School for Agriculture and Forestry (Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Fachschule) (two to four years)
- Vocational School for Social Services (Schule für Sozialdienste) (two years)
- Vocational School for Economic Professions (Wirtschaftsfachschule) (one to two years)
The next step:
In addition to taking up a post of employment in a particular specialist area, there is also a variety of opportunities to obtain higher level qualifications and undertake further training:
- Immediate employment in a specialist area
- An Add-on Course in the relevant specialist area, in order to obtain the Higher Education Entrance Examination or Diploma examination
- Higher Education Entrance Examination
- Post-secondary VET Course for young people who have completed four years at the School for Intermediate Vocational Education (BMS)
- The Apprenticeship Examination (in training professions in the young person's own specialist area, he/she will mostly be granted exemptions by virtue of the period of training already spent, whilst in related training professions, periods of training already spent will be credited).
- Limited Higher Education Entrance Qualification
- Attendance at a University of Applied Sciences, based upon evidence of professional practice
Sources (in German)
Further information can be found on the internet (in German)